
It doesn’t have to be this way. Eva’s future is in our hands. We must take action now, and in the years to come. As someone once said: “Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you are my only hope”, except, this isn’t star wars, and there is no Obi-wan. This little Ewok has only a motley crew of friends and family to secure her future. Help to send her to college. Why? Because it’s Eva. That’s why.

If you haven’t yet given a gift for Eva’s first birthday, give one now to her college account using PayPal. Your gift is completely secure, and will be deposited directly into a special bank account setup just for her. Please leave a comment so Aaron and Ana know who has made a gift 🙂

Happy Birthday Eva –  May the Force be with you.

Tito Jacobo

Eva Han Solo

P.S. If you prefer to write a check, you can do so and deposit in any Bank of America Branch. Shoot me an email for her account number. My email is: jacobmgray@gmail.com

Eva Han Solo2


  1. Happy Birthday Eva!

  2. Happy Birthday Eva

  3. Happy Birthday Eva!

Let her know you contributed!